Man of Constant Leisure

"Cultivated leisure is the aim of man." ---Oscar Wilde

Sunday, October 08, 2006

CDC: Melisma Epidemic Officially Out of Control

Atlanta, GA--The spread of melisma--a condition that afflicts only singers, causing them to sing multiple notes per syllable while spastically gesticulating with one hand--can no longer be controlled, according to officials at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta.

"We thought we had successfully contained this to the R&B community, and quite honestly we back-burnered the situation," said Dr. Brains McNuggets, Center spokesperson. "In our defense, we have bigger problems to deal with: AIDS, anthrax, Alzheimer's… and that's just the A's."

For reasons unknown to any sane person, the condition--which is entirely voluntary--has spread from the R&B community to the international, folk, country, gospel and pop music communities. Center officials hypothesize that the origin of the contagion was Mariah Carey, although they also suspect that the popularity of American Idol has contributed greatly to the problem.

Melisma causes deterioration of the brain in afflicted singers, confusing them to the point that they believe that their singing sounds good. Worse, it has been known to cause blind rage and soul-crushing despair in the many millions of music listeners upon whom it is inflicted. "I'd guess maybe a half-dozen people a week drive straight off the road as a result of melisma on their radios," speculated Highway Patrolman Paul Foglino of Elmhurst, NY. "I've seen it and it ain't pretty. They're just screaming and pounding the steering wheel, and then--zoom!--over the guardrail they go. It makes road rage look like a frickin' tea party."

Under the circumstances, citizens might expect the Center for Disease Control to step up its efforts to contain the spread of melisma, but the Center has no such plans for the immediate future. "The government cut our budget pretty severely," explained McNuggets. "Said it was using the money to fund the War on Terror."

Citizen Tom Meltzer of Durham, NC is unimpressed with that explanation. "I haven't seen a single terrorist yet, but my ears are assaulted by melisma every damned day. If the government doesn't do something soon, I'm gonna have to start ripping some throats out."

Mariah Carey was unavailable for comment for this story.



  • At 5:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Thank you, Tom, for bringing this epidemic to our attention. It is important the public understand what can be done to protect itself from the spread of Melisma, even if the 4:30 slot on Sunday morning radio/tv is the only communication channel for delivering the

    I recommend the following Melisma-clean albums. Look for the Melisma-free logo in the upper left-hand corner

    Let's Kill Saturday Night - Five Chinese Brothers
    New Morning - Bob Dylan
    Damn The Torpedos - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

    I'm just a doctor, so, I don't know if the first album starts with "Five" or '5'. You will need
    to consult your knowledgeable Melisma-free record store advisor for further information.

    Dr. Brains McNuggets, spokesman
    Center for Disease Control

  • At 10:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Tom Petty has been Melisma-free for 30 years.

    It's a wonder Tom Petty can sing any syllables at all, let alone multiple syllables. And I have never seen him spastically gesticulating with one hand, unless he's trying to stop Stevie Nicks from wrapping her black scarf around his neck. Keeps it on the guitar at all times.

    --Brains McNuggets, who occasionally violates internet etiquette by replying to his own posts

  • At 7:43 PM , Blogger James Lynch III said...

    Ya know, man... if you had spelled MARIAH CAREY correctly, this could well have been the greatest blog post of all time...

  • At 8:05 PM , Blogger Tom Meltzer said...

    Brains--thank you for your hard work.

    James--thank you for your dilligence.

    mariah--thanks for nothing!

  • At 5:22 AM , Blogger Wendy said...


  • At 10:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The epidemic has become kind of a nightmare, but let's not forget that melisma can be great when Mariah has nothing to do with it:
    Sam Cooke ("You------ send me")
    John Lennon ("All I gotta do------")
    even Marshall Crenshaw ("You're my-----you're my favorite waste of time."

    It's a nice little vocal technique. Let's hope it gets well soon.


  • At 10:00 AM , Blogger Tom Meltzer said...

    Excellent point, Alex, although I believe you are confusing the singing technique melisma, which is quite fine and good, with the disease melisma, which is characterized by excessive melisma. This is a common point of confusion. The literature indicates that the medical community debated the naming strenuously, with many arguing that the disease should be assigned a different, less confusing name--the terms melismatosis and melismania were popular alternatives--but, alas, to no avail. Medical history is rife with such folly, and vigilance is always cautioned.


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