Man of Constant Leisure

"Cultivated leisure is the aim of man." ---Oscar Wilde

Saturday, September 22, 2007

metube, part 1

This video was made 22 years ago. I last saw it about 21 years ago and was fairly confident I would never see it again. Damn you, youtube!!!

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  • At 6:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ouevre in the louvre...

    That is priceless.


  • At 7:47 AM , Blogger Tom Meltzer said...

    Wish I could take credit for "ouevre's in the Louvre." Alas, it is the product of a greater songwriting mind than mine. I originally wrote "his paintings are in the Louvre." Robbie Fulks suggested the change; I was merely smart enough to recognize the vast improvement.

  • At 12:29 PM , Blogger John Albin said...

    Hey Tom,

    That video couldn't be 21 years old. Why I remember you playing that song back when we were in college, and that was in (mumble mumble) uh, only uh (mumble mumble) years ago.

    By the way, who are those kids singing the song in the video? They look like they're only, like, 12 years old or something.

  • At 9:52 AM , Blogger Wendy said...

    I still have it on video :) (however, I have no VCR any more)

    It hasn't lost its charm!

  • At 2:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hi Tom,

    A blast from another century! I still have the audio cassette, but alas no player any longer...



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